Moon Bath

True wellness arises when we re-align ourselves with the rhythms and elements of nature. In an increasingly chaotic and over-stimulating world, Moon Bath’s bathing rituals inspire you to create space to slow down, tune in and reconnect.

Combining ancient wisdom with modern intuitive alchemy, Moon Bath curates earth integrated bath teas, bathing salts, face rituals and smoke ritual accessories. 

Simple and organic, their products contain no synthetic chemicals or preservatives — because those don’t belong on our skin. The ethos of the modern bathing renaissance is to move beyond bathing as simply cleansing ourselves, and toward bathing as an opportunity to drink in through our skin the varied benefits of plant medicine.

Besides creating amazing products, they also are concerned with positive social and environmental change. Their initiatives include sustainable packaging, carbon neutrality, charitable partnerships, and working with mission driven vendors. Moon Bath is a proud member of 1% for the Planet, donating at least one percent of annual revenues to environmental nonprofits committed to creating a healthy planet.

Inspired by living in alignment with the lunar cycles, your`re invited to tune in to the rhythms of nature and create space to connect more deeply with yourself through Ayurvedic self-care rituals. 

Women owned. Colorado made. Sustainably packaged.

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