Kelma Book in Purple
Kelma Book in Purple
SFr. 29.00

Kelma Book in Purple

KELMA means "word" in arabic.

We all have a lot on our minds and with the help of this little book you can easily create some peace in your mind - write down your thoughts, ideas, feeling or your to dos and you will go through life easier.
The book is made from a mix of new and leftover paper. It''s our first collaboration with a local bookbinder from zurich - each book is sewn by hand and comes with a colorful elastic band.
- Material: leftover and new paper / all FSC certified paper
- Cover Color: soft purple
- Inside: a mix of white, orange, soft purple and lime green paper
- Size: 21cm x 13cm x 2cm
- Made by Christa, from Zurich, a local bookbinder

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